The problem with plastic
Wrapping our food in foil or transparent plastic, or much worse heating them in plastic containers, is already proven to be harmful to our health. In this article we will review why these materials are toxic and I will give you healthy alternatives.
First, we will talk about aluminum, a metal that acts as a chelating agent, that is, it captures minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium … from food and prevents its correct assimilation. With which we can say that aluminum steals nutrients. On the other hand, there are already numerous articles that relate aluminum to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. I leave in this link one of the many that I have been able to read, in which it is concluded that aluminum is an accelerating factor of the brain’s aging rate. Such acceleration will inevitably be related to an increase in the incidence of age-related neurological diseases.
Aluminum is one of the most abundant metals on the planet, with which many vegetables present it, since they have accumulated it naturally. Among them we can highlight spinach, potatoes, tea are products that have high levels of natural aluminum. But the most dangerous is the one that is added to processed foods that incorporate additives with aluminum, such as sodium and aluminum acid phosphate, used in prepared flours, preserves to which alum is added, an aluminum salt, such as sulfate. aluminum or potassium aluminum sulfate, which are added during processing to add firmness and freshness to food. On the other hand, WHO has already warned of high concentrations of aluminum, in people who usually take antacids and analgesics that contain this compound, which can increase the intake of aluminum up to five grams per day.
Another route of exposure is through aluminum cookware, although experts warn that aluminum is insoluble, with the wear and tear of pans, for example, more and more is detected and that is added to other routes of exposure. The problem of kitchen utensils is further aggravated when we cook foods such as tomatoes or rhubarb, with acids that dissolve the surface layer of metal oxide. More information about aluminum in kitchen utensils in this video.
Endocrine disruptors
On the other hand, a few years later, the plastic, known as “transparent film” for wrapping food, which is no longer toxic, and that have been linked to diseases of the hormonal and nervous system, since they act as endocrine disruptors They can cause malformations, infertility, impotence … But also with heart disease, with immune disorders and metabolic disorders and the most dangerous thing is that they act at very low doses. We even know that when bisphenol A, (one of the most used plastics, even in the bottles of young children and that is usually indicated on the back with the number 7), is metabolized by hydroxylation and subsequent oxidation, it forms an orthoquinone It can establish covalent bonds with DNA and develop mutagenic and teratogenic effects, that is, it has a carcinogenic effect.
In this article you can go deeper into each type of plastic. https://www.masquedietas.es/los-mejores-materiales-y-recipientes-para-guardar-alimentos-plasticos-toxicos/
Therefore, my advice on avoiding plastic and aluminum for freezing, heating or simply wrapping food. There are much healthier and more advisable alternatives, such as baking paper, non-bleaching paper, waxes, free of toxic products and made with wood from sustainable forests, such as this one that brings us as it is what I usually use, or containers of glass.
Regarding glass, without a doubt in my opinion, it is the best way we have to conserve our food and we also help our planet and our animals, which are suffering the serious consequences of plastics in our seas and on our planet. Glass is inert to contact with food, even with acidic foods, it is also before drugs in general, since it does not oxidize, is impermeable to gases and does not need additives to preserve packaged foods such as canned cans . It can also be reused because it resists temperatures up to 150º C, which can be washed even at high temperatures in the dishwasher
I usually carry my juices in these glass bottles of purple glass, which prevent the sun’s rays from passing and keeps the juice free of oxidation for longer. See here.
As always, I enjoyed writing this article, if it helps to help more people become aware of their health, even more.
Rosa López Monís. Molecular Biologist Master in Clinical Analysis. Master in Dietetics and Diet Therapy. Student of the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
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